Formations&Co: accredited fide exam centre

Prepare for your fide test thanks to our dedicated Swiss language and culture courses!

What does fide mean?

fide, which means “French, Italian and Deutsch” (German), is the official program promoting language integration in Switzerland. It focuses on Swiss culture and everyday life. It is a federal undertaking, which helps people who don’t speak French, Italian or German : Develop the necessary language skills. Ensure sufficient proficiency in one of these languages. Settle in their new country quicker.

Each expat/newcomer can take the fide test, which assesses their languages skills, to obtain their B/C permit or start their naturalisation process. A network of professional experts, instructors, schools, training centres, local authorities and specialised companies help deliver the fide program across Switzerland. Following the fide council’s directives, they train non-EU-EFTA nationals and assess their skills to ensure they can integrate well in the Swiss Confederation.

The fide test consists of a "Speaking and understanding" section and a "Reading and writing" section. You can register for both parts, or just one. After taking the fide test, you will receive a language passport indicating the level achieved (A1, A2 or B1) in the corresponding national language, separately for written and oral skills. The levels of proficiency required vary according to the permit you wish to apply for. Translated with (free version)

Language levels required by status

B Permit (Residence Permit)

To join your partner who holds a B Permit (Art. 73a OASA), also known as family reunification.

To renew workers’ B Permits.


*Art. 73a OASA

Early C Permit (Early Settlement Permit)

To apply for an early settlement permit (Early C Permit) after living in Switzerland for 5 continuous years.




C Permit (Settlement Permit)

To apply for a settlement permit (C Permit) after living in Switzerland for 10 continuous years.





To become a Swiss citizen and apply for ordinary naturalisation (after living in Switzerland for 10 continuous years) or simplified naturalisation for spouses of Swiss citizens (after living in Switzerland for 5 continuous years).



(Settlement Permit)

Level A1

Elementary use of language A1

  • You can communicate in a simple way, in your personal living context (e.g. at home, at work or at your children’s school), as long as your instructor speaks slowly and clearly and is prepared to help you when necessary.
  • You can introduce yourself or introduce someone else using simple words.
  • You can give short and simple answers to easy, personal questions (e.g. where do you live ? Where do you work ? Where do your children go to school ?)
  • You can express your needs or concerns (e.g. at home or in a shop), by using prepared and practiced sentences.

Level A2

Elementary use of language A2

  • You can understand simple questions and sentences relating to important areas of your life. For example, questions on your children’s school, your education/training, your work, your health or your living situation.
  • You can communicate in routine situations in a government office or any other public institution, which only require a direct exchange of information on familiar topics.
  • You can describe where you come from, talk about your education, your work or your personal experiences, using simple words.

Level B1

Independent use of language B1

  • You can understand important information from a teacher, your employer, your landlord or public authorities, as long as they use clear, standard sentences and they talk about familiar topics.
  • You can manage in most day-to-day situations at home, at work or in a public space.
  • You can express yourself easily and clearly on familiar topics, personal interests and experiences.
  • You can express your opinions, your goals, your hopes and your wishes, as well as explain or justify them briefly.

Language levels

Getting ready for my fide test

Before registering for your fide test, we strongly advise that you ensure you have the required French language skills. To do so, you can take the official fide model test.

Do you need help to get ready for your fide test?

I need help to prepare for my fide test

Your 5h Preparation Pack

  • Be comfortable expressing yourself in French
  • Rehearse test situations with your language trainer




In-person fee: CHF 500.-

Online fee: CHF 325.-

Your 10h Preparation Pack

  • Work on specific points to best prepare for your fide test
  • Be comfortable expressing yourself in French
  • Rehearse test situations with your language trainer



In-person fee: CHF: 950.-

Online fee: CHF 600.-

Your 20h Preparation Pack

  • Work on all themes required to prepare for your fide test
  • Be comfortable expressing yourself in French
  • Rehearse test situations with your language trainer



In-person fee: CHF 1860.-

Online fee: CHF 1160.-

Book included

(Settlement Permit)

Do you want to find out more?

Is your level of French good enough to pass your fide test?

Register now!

I don't feel ready yet

Do you not feel up to taking the fide test? Is your French not good enough?

Find out how you can prepare before taking the test.

ORAL fide test

You have checked your level of French and would like to register for the ORAL fide test.

Duration: 40 minutes

Fee: CHF 170.-

WRITTEN fide test

You have checked your level of French and would like to register for the WRITTEN fide test.

Duration: Introduction - approx. 15 minutes, test - 60 minutes

Fee: CHF 120.-

ORAL + WRITTEN fide test

You have checked your level of French and would like to register for both the ORAL + WRITTEN fide test.


  • Oral: 40 minutes
  • Written: Introduction - approx. 15 minutes, test - 60 minutes

Fee: CHF 250.-

(Settlement Permit)

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