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French group courses

Learn French in 40 hours with our group courses in Nyon!

Language & Culture

A program for newcomers and foreigners living in Switzerland

Our group language courses allow you to work on two levels:

  • Rapid mastery of French
    You'll learn French quickly, enabling you to communicate effectively in your daily life.

  • Cultural immersion
    You'll become familiar with Swiss habits and customs, facilitating your integration into the country.

These courses will enable you to acquire practical French language skills, essential for everyday situations. You'll also benefit from courses on Swiss culture, to help you understand how the country works and its customs.

Good to know:

Our group courses comply with the Swiss LEI directive (Law on Foreigners and Integration) and are based on fide principles, should you wish to take your test.

40 hours of lessons in three months

A program to learn French fast

Our program includes 40 hours of classes, spread over three months:

  • 20 hours of face-to-face classes
    10 two-hour classes per week in small groups.

  • 20 hours of individual learning
    Thanks to our immersive Digital Learning platform, that's 10 two-hour individual work sessions every week.

This approach enables you to make rapid progress and practice French after each class.

Learning in small groups

Why choose our group courses in Nyon?

Personalized attention
Our group courses include a maximum of 8 people. This means you benefit from your trainer's constant attention and support. The group dynamic and exchanges between participants create a motivating learning environment.

Expand your network
Meeting new people when arriving in a new country can be a challenge. By taking our group French courses, you'll meet other newcomers and expand your network of acquaintances, making it easier for you to integrate.

Digital Learning

An immersive experience

Interactive and personalized resources
Alongside your language and culture courses, you'll have access to our Digital Learning platform and enjoy an immersive experience between each classroom session thanks to :

  • Video-courses and podcasts
    Playful French, customized to your interests.

  • News videos
    Updated weekly to keep you up to date with the most current vocabulary.

  • Resource library
    To deepen your linguistic knowledge.

Good to know:

As you watch the videos, listen to the podcasts and read your resources, you'll reach different levels, just like in a video game, to check your progress!

Swiss compliance

Prepare for your fide test, if you wish!

Our group courses are designed to meet the requirements of the Swiss LEI (Loi sur les Etrangers et l'Intégration) and are based on fide principles.

If you wish to take your fide test at the end of the 40-hour course, you will have acquired all the linguistic and cultural knowledge you need. A mock fide test is also included, if you wish.


Our ongoing adaptation

Customization and flexibility

We adapt our program to your starting language level and learning preferences through small group lessons.

Weekly sessions

Join us every Saturday morning at our language center in Nyon to learn and practice French in a friendly and motivating environment!

Certified trainers

All our professional trainers are eduQua-certified, guaranteeing quality teaching.

High satisfaction

We enjoy a satisfaction rate of over 98.7% (average of satisfaction questionnaires between 2019 and 2021).

Going further

Our other special services


Welcome to Switzerland

Linguistic and cultural integration program
Would you like to benefit from a linguistic and cultural integration program tailored to your needs? Discover our Welcome to Switzerland service!

Our integration services

Administrative support
Would you like to obtain or renew your residence permit? Would you like to start the naturalization process? Find out more about our services to help you integrate.

Would you like to find out more?

Contact us now to boost your career with our language courses.
